Disclaimer & Copyright
The information contained in this website serves as a means of communication between the Adventist AIDS International Ministry (AAIM) and its extensive network of coordinators in Africa.
The information is provided by AAIM, and our intention for this website is primarily to communicate with our AAIM team and share material and resources used in this Ministry.
Viewers outside our system are very welcome, and all the material offered in this website is free to be used, provided that the source AAIM is mentioned.
All medical information on this Web site has been reviewed for accuracy by physicians. However, the information posted here by AAIM should not be considered medical advice, nor is it intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician.
AAIM does not evaluate, endorse or recommend any particular medications, products, equipment or treatments. HIV and AIDS may vary substantially from one patient to another, and treatment must be tailored by a physician for each individual case.
Links to other Web sites found on www.aidsministry.com are provided as a service to our users. Such linkage does not constitute endorsement of the site by AAIM, and AAIM is not responsible for the content of external web sites.
AAIM does not warrant that the information contained in this website is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use.
Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, AAIM takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.
© 2002-2015 - AAIM – Adventist-AIDS International Ministry. All rights reserved. Reproduction, re-transmission or reprinting of the contents of this website, in part or in its entirety, is authorized with prior written permission from AAIM. AAIM will appreciate the recognition of this source.
Requests for permission to reproduce any part of this website content should be addressed to AAIM to the following address and/or e-mail:
AAIM Adventist–AIDS International Ministry, Africa Office
Mailing Address: Box 1823 – Cramerview – 2060
Johannesburg – South Africa
E-mail: admin@aidsministry.com
Web-site: www.aidsministry.com